Tuesday, January 24, 2012

More from Mick

 Here is another photo of the Wexford coast sent today by Mick and Jane, and one they took of the world's sneakiest cat, Mocha.

Anyone who has stayed here will know not to trust this cat for an instant: very cute and friendly, but a total liar. She will say she is a house cat, and permitted to enter any cottage  at will. She will say we never feed her. She will say she really only eats salmon...

Ah, Mocha. So sweet when she's asleep.

And here's another one of Mocha specially for Anna M, Sara B and Emma C

View from Hook

This photo was sent to me yesterday by Mick, a favourite visitor from England.
I've just read a review of the Wexford Coastal Path by Francis Bradley in the Irish Times. Here's a quote: " It's a coastal walk that captivates, from cliffs to rocky headlands, golden beaches to natural and historic wonders ". You can find out more on www.discoverireland.com about the year-round wonders of the Hook penninsula, a favourite spot for locals and visitors alike. This time last year we went whale watching, but even without the added drama of the whales the sea views are stunning. Thanks for reminding me, Mick.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

No peacocks !

Not a peacock in sight today, and it feels very strange....Our three birds had taken to straying into neighbours' gardens and leaving too much evidence. They are very curious, and also very sneaky. I tried bribery ( sunflower seeds ) and appealing to their vanity ( a mirror ), but they continued to wander, so we arranged a swap with another breeder. Now we have just one pair of young birds but can't let them out until they are used to the place. Fingers crossed that they will settle and eventually breed. Fruit Hill without the peacocks just wouldn't be the same.

Update : The two new peacocks are real homebirds - so much so that they won't leave the windowsill, and love to keep an eye on what's going on in the house. I think they must have been reared in a shed, because they don't have a clue about roosting in the trees at night. Dick has had to build them a special platform, and I have to get up on a LADDER to call them up to their roost - otherwise the fox would be delighted to entertain them. It is ridiculous really, but they are very sweet.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Thank you

Thanks to Mick and Jane who stayed with us in November for the new profile photograph.